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燒錄軟體-Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 Advanced 9.24 Build 7680 多國語系(繁體)版
如果只要單純的燒錄功能,網路上有許多好用免費軟體,例如ImgBurn 與CD Burner XP等。
今天我們要再介紹一款多功能免費燒錄軟體Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010。
Ashampoo除了要價49.99美元的Ashampoo Burning Studio 9燒錄軟體外,也推出了免費的Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010版(以下簡稱ABS 2010)。
目前最新的Ashampoo Burning Studio 9版本為9.12,ABS 2010則是9.10。
Ashampoo不是慈善機構,所以免費的ABS 2010功能比付費版少了一些,主要的差異在於製作DVD影片光碟。
ABS 2010僅支援燒錄已經編輯好的VOB、IFO和BUP檔案,無法將影片直接轉檔燒錄成DVD影片光碟。
這樣做是可以理解的,因為只要使用到MPEG-2 格式,不管是解碼還是編碼,都必須付權利金給MPEG LA,所以軟體廠商幾乎不可能這麼佛心,在免費軟體上支援必須支付權利金的MPEG-2格式。
這也是為什麼多數DVD燒錄機隨附的Nero Essentials中的播放與DVD電影製作燒錄功能都有試用時間限制的原因之一。
ABS 2010的操作介面相當直覺,就算燒錄新手應該也可快速找到需要的功能。
開始使用ABS 2010前,必須先到官方網站填寫Email以取得註冊序號,不過別擔心,取得序號的過程很簡單。
Step 1. 下載後安裝軟體,在「Select Additional Tasks」視窗勾選「Get fullversion key」後,繼續其餘的安裝步驟。
Step 2. 安裝完成後,程式後自動連結到註冊碼申請網頁,填寫Email後按下「Send」按鈕。
Step 3. 接著到註冊信箱察看Ashampoo寄出的Email,點選信箱中的連結。
Step 4. 再點選「Freebie Registration Keys」連結。
Step 5. 然後就可以看到註冊序號了。
Step 6. 啟動ABS 2010,在註冊視窗點選「Enter Key」輸入序號就完成註冊手續了。
Step 1. 選取功能表上的「Settings」→ 「Languages」。
Step 2. 接著勾選「繁體中文」,重新啟動程式就可以了。
2010的操作視窗很直覺,在主視窗就可以看到全部的功能。除了燒錄資料BD/DVD/CD外,也支援光碟影像檔製作與燒錄、光碟複製、資料備份與還原、抹除CD-RW與DVD-RW、光碟及標籤設計與製作等功能。另外ABS 2010也支援將MP3、OGG、WMA、WAV、FLAC等檔案格式直接燒錄成音樂CD,以及將CD音軌擷取為MP3、WMA與WAV格式。
2010也支援燒錄影片光碟,只是在燒錄DVD電影方面只支援已經編輯好的VOB、IFO和BUP檔案,不支援直接將影片轉檔燒錄成DVD。ABS 2010支援將MPG、DAT、VOB燒成SVCD及VCD。不過現在還有人燒VCD或SVCD嗎?

Ashampoo Burning Studio - new version of the program for recording CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD RW and Blu-ray discs last line of the package. The utility allows you to create projects and record CD / DVD (including MP3-CD, VCD, S-VCD, and Blu-ray).
The program supports long filenames (127 characters for DVD and Blu-ray and 64 for CD), automatic configuration settings, saving and loading of the project, the creation of images, a simple file management with DragandDrop and much more. Works in conjunction with most recording devices. It has never been so easy to convert your files to DVD discs that can be played on any DVD-player.
From the very first issue of Ashampoo Burning Studio has changed the idea of the usual software for recording. Instead of wasting time on a detailed study of hundreds of complex properties, you need only select a task, for example - "Burn Files", "Duplicate Files" or "Save Movie", and then the program will help you do what is necessary. You just select the desired format, files, and burn the disc. It's easy, but easy does not mean that you are less functionality: advanced recording features available for advanced users who wish to choose a specific system files, or use special boot area.
In addition to the simplicity and power, Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 different improvements in core functions such as video on DVD, create modified copies and bootable discs. All the features that users waited for the previous versions, to improve the program as possible. It has never been so easy to convert your files to DVD discs that can be played on any DVD-player. Simply select the files you want to put on a disk, select the navigation menu format and start burning. All the usual video formats are supported (WMV, AVI, MPEG, ASF, etc.), the program will convert them automatically.
Building a menu DVD - a complex and difficult job. In Ashampoo Burning Studio 9, you choose the menu style (possibly animated or static, preview), but the program does all the work, automatically create menus and navigation elements. You can also burn standard DVD files (folder VIDEO_TS, containing files. VOB,. IFO and. BUP), for example, to backup existing DVD or burn DVD files created by different authors programs.
- Record video directly from any video files;
- Add additional files, copying discs, make modified copies of bootable discs;
- Convert MP3 files as easy as WMA and WAV;
- Choose the file size, restore individual files;
- Create bootable discs from boot area, choose the settings file system;
- Create audio CDs from files of format MP3, WAV, FLAC, WMA and Ogg Vorbis;
- A multi-file backup and restore them to CD / DVD / Blu-ray with compression and password protection;
- Rapid destruction and recycling of multimedia;
- Save the disk image size larger than 2 GB, on file systems FAT32;
- An interactive assistant troubleshooting and solving problems with hardware and carriers;
- Save project files for later dubbing;
- Built-in support for multi-session recordings with the ability to record more than 1700 sessions;
- Now you can use for your video discs Apple QuickTime;
- Create stunning images of your DVD-slideshows with animated graphical menus.
燒錄軟體-Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 多國語系(繁體)版下載之檔案位址: